4 Quick SEO tips guide to improve website traffic

4 Quick SEO Tips & Guides to Improve Website Traffic

SEO is the reliable tool for improving your website traffic. Every business needs SEO marketing for promotion of their business.

Let’s start with What is SEO?

In its simplest form SEO is “Search Engine Optimization”. SEO incorporates effective online marketing strategy focused on increasing the organic search engine traffic, thus ruling out PPC internet marketing (pay per click). It involves different technical and creative tools needed to enhance internet business marketing by means of organic traffic.

Content goes a long way in your website promotion. The important thing is, your content should providing the accurate and useful solution to problems that people are searching for.

SEO tips to increase website traffic

As this article is focused on enhancing website’s visits. I’d start with giving you the tips right away.

1. Content matters a lot

Just keep in mind that Google wants to deliver the best relevant search results. Content goes a long way in your website promotion. You have to generate massively useful content. The important thing is, your content should providing the accurate and useful solution to problems that people are searching for. Users land on your website via keywords, the more people find the content useful and spend time reading it, it gain more value as relavent search content.

Keywords identify what people are looking for.

  • Identify keyword phrase for all pages
  • Find keywords people search most
  • Don’t overdo the keywords
  • Keywords must only consume 3-4% on your entire content
  • Format accordingly: highlight keywords, use basic bold and italic

Today the content isn’t limited to mere blog posts but it has extended to videos, photography, infographics along with tools and plugins.
Updating content also matters as Google continues to change its strategies. SEO techniques are updating regularly from Panda to Penguin, so cope up.

2. So does Metadata

During designing of your website you are required to insert metadata in a space between . This is actually the information about the page.

2.1 Title metadata

It is mainly for the page titles showed at the top of browser window. It is far most imperative among other things. For a CMS website, there’s an automated system for each page. Other websites have to add metadata when uploading content on new pages.

2.2 Description Metadata

It is a description utilized by the browser in page search return. It is basically a window display that encourages people to open up the link. It should be attractive, appealing and concise.

2.3 Keyword Metadata

These are the words people use to find out your website or any specific page in it. Keyword research is required for finding the right keywords. Don’t overdo the keywords because that might just confuse the browser and make the page insignificant. Keep it relevant. For this article the keyword might be “what is SEO”.

3. Link building

Search engines have a way to assign values to links. You always have to attach relevant links in the text. Names of landing pages have more value than the “Click here” link. The click here link has no value in search engine. For instance, if you want people to direct to another blog related to SEO tips instead of assigning URL to “click here” you can assign it to “SEO Tips”. It is a rich keyword and has ability to achieve search engine marketing solutions and thus more traffic.

3.1 Link reputation

Wikipedia for instance has uncountable links attached to it, which indicates that it is a famous and highly credited website. try to add links within the niche. Don’t deviate from your niche, if you are writing about SEO service company, try to attach links related to SEO services only. The off topic links will just be a waste.

3.2 Anchor text

Anchor text is one of vital aspects in ranking your website. if a lot of links direct to a single page with exact keywords, the page gets good ranking for the targeted phrase in anchor text.

3.3 Authenticity

Spam is inevitable when it comes to webpages. According to estimations about 60% of webpages are spam. To avoid these spam issues, search engines have systems for assessing authenticity based on graphs. When you earn links from well reputed domains, your metrics will just shoot to stars. Examples of trustworthy websites can be government websites or NGOs.

4. Alt Tags

Alt tags are also important. They represent the videos and other media items. They offer search engines to easily locate your page as many use text only browsers.
Additional tips
We have covered the basics of SEO, now some additional tips to keep you on the road to high traffic website.

  • Social sharing: whatever you do, don’t forget to share it socially. In recent years, social media sharing has negated all other tips and techniques. Some websites with zero SEO got traffic because they linked it to social media. Google in particular has included social media results in top pages. Go for Google+, Facebook and Twitter.
  • Be creative: There’s tough competition out there. Copying is just not an option anymore. Innovation is everything. Make sure what you do is authentic and creative.
  • Be link worthy: Make sure your content is authentic enough so websites get to link to you. Make your customers trust you by offering them quality stuff which can be linked. You can incorporate news section in your website as it goes most viral.

Final word

SEO marketing strategies are important for businesses and website trafficking. Ensure complete implementation of SEO techniques for top ranked website.

Photo via Visualhunt.com