

Yodiz API is developed in REST architecture. Our API uses understandable and resource-oriented URLs along with HTTP response codes to depict API errors. We operate via built-in HTTP attributes, which are generally recognized by off-the-shelf HTTP Clients. All API responses, even errors are returned by JSON. Yodiz provides testing account with “demo” username and “demo” password for testing purposes. For privacy reasons, you must not reveal your confidential API key in the client-side code.


The base URLs for all Yodiz API requests.



Generate API Key

You can generate API key by visiting administration page from under setting icon at the top right of the screen. Select API menu and generate API key, see link for reference.


Yodiz offers Token based authentication. For authentication, enter the API key in headers while email and password is entered into the body. API key must be kept secret and you must not share your account information in any public website like github or client-side code etc.

  curl -X POST  ''
  -d '{"email":"demo","password":"demo"}'
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
   -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Request Payload:

  "email": "demo",
  "password": "demo"

Response body:

  "api-token": "mn0Pe4Rq5Doj1ud4o2fbNQ"

This end point is used for authentication purpose.

HTTP Request


Request body for login

Parameter Description
email string Required email
password string Required password


Pagination is supported for many calls. However, the details of pagination ordering may vary. API calls which support pagination do so by using the Offset and Limit parameters. The key for these parameters are offset and limit. The default values are 0,20.The count can be restricted to <= N, where N(Max =50) is the maximum page size.

Request filters

Some attributes are part of default responses, these attributes include ID, Title, Description, Status, Responsible, Creator, Created Date and Last Updated Date. These attributes are returned with most of the responses. All fields can be fetched by using the query parameter fields ( fields=all ). Attribute based responses can be generated as well, for example you can fetch only ID and Title by using query parameter fields as (fields=id,title). This request will return the ID and Title responses.

Rate Limits

Our API mainly considers rate limiting on per-IP basis. We use 60sec windows and permit 30 requests per window per IP. When the rate limit of requests exceeds, we return an HTTP 429 “Too Many Requests” response error. Yodiz API has cap of max 400 requests per day.


The Yodiz API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a resource with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t JSON
413 Request entity too large
415 Unsupported Media Type – You requested a media type that is not supported
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many requests!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later


It provides the Status Set data as per the project and item type selection.

Get Issue Meta

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "status": {
    "185": {
      "category": "Done",
      "narrative": "done",
      "code": "err-st-5d81f08d-d620-81bb-6665-8bff0d6a446b"
    "186": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "inprogress 5",
      "code": "err-st-44359411-df22-b2d6-4801-d0bdfd9c829a"
    "187": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "new 2",
      "code": "err-st-5a5a5ade-d229-a653-0234-3b48e0295a85"
    "188": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "inprogress",
      "code": "err-st-e743f954-05a4-552f-771f-7842ce43a19a"
    "189": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "inprogress 2",
      "code": "err-st-e9800f11-85e7-97fb-5490-4e1b0392205f"
    "190": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "inprogress 4",
      "code": "err-st-d6cfc258-735e-85fe-5ef0-7348c6a0e57d"
    "191": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "inprogress 1",
      "code": "err-st-e5783f37-553f-2ca8-9806-313b516584af"
    "192": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "New makdsfj fjklasjf klafj klafjkladfjladfjlkadfjl",
      "code": "err-st-c12cfc1f-dd6a-316d-c923-c3ea839593db"
    "193": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "inprogress 3",
      "code": "err-st-40b02ee3-e7a3-0292-73c1-97dcb4ca2fdc"
  "issue_severities": [
      "code": "err-svr-50",
      "narrative": "Blocker"
      "code": "err-svr-40",
      "narrative": "Critical"
      "code": "err-svr-30",
      "narrative": "Major"
      "code": "err-svr-10",
      "narrative": "Normal"
      "code": "err-svr-20",
      "narrative": "Minor"
      "code": "err-svr-60",
      "narrative": "Enhancement"
  "issue_priorities": {
    "highPriority": [

This end point returns issue meta of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
projectId int Required project ID
itemType string Required Item type could be userstory, task, issue, epic, sprint or release

The meta response

Parameter Description
status List of statuses of item type
issue_severities List of severities
issue_priorities List of priorities

Get Userstory Meta

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "estimation_method": {
    "StoryPoints": {
      "tshirt": [
          "value": 0,
          "label": "XS"
          "value": 1,
          "label": "S"
          "value": 2,
          "label": "M"
          "value": 4,
          "label": "L"
          "value": 8,
          "label": "XL"
          "value": 16,
          "label": "XXL"
  "status": {
    "13": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "New",
      "code": "us-st-10"
    "14": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "In Progress",
      "code": "us-st-20"
    "15": {
      "category": "Done",
      "narrative": "Completed",
      "code": "us-st-30"
    "16": {
      "category": "Done",
      "narrative": "Accepted",
      "code": "us-st-40"
    "17": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "Pending",
      "code": "us-st-50"
    "18": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "In Evaluation",
      "code": "us-st-60"
    "19": {
      "category": "Done",
      "narrative": "Rejected",
      "code": "us-st-70"
    "20": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "Blocked",
      "code": "us-st-80"
    "21": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "In Verification",
      "code": "us-st-90"
  "userstory_priorities": [
      "narrative": "Business Critical",
      "value": 5
      "narrative": "High Priority",
      "value": 4
      "narrative": "Important",
      "value": 3
      "narrative": "Low Priority",
      "value": 2
      "narrative": "Nice To Have",
      "value": 1
      "narrative": "No Priority",
      "value": 0

This end point returns userstory meta of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
projectId int Required project ID
itemType string Required Item type could be userstory, task, issue, epic, sprint or release

The meta response

Parameter Description
status List of statuses against item type
userstory_priorities List of priorities
estimation_method Estimation method configured in the project

Get Task Meta

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "status": {
    "22": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "New",
      "code": "tsk-st-10"
    "23": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "In Progress",
      "code": "tsk-st-20"
    "24": {
      "category": "Done",
      "narrative": "Done",
      "code": "tsk-st-30"
    "25": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "Blocked",
      "code": "tsk-st-40"

This end point returns task meta of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
projectId int Required project ID
itemType string Required Item type could be userstory, task, issue, epic, sprint or release

The meta response

Parameter Description
status List of statuses of task

Get Epic Meta

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "status": {
    "33": {
      "category": "ToDo",
      "narrative": "New",
      "code": "fea-st-10"
    "34": {
      "category": "In Progress",
      "narrative": "In Development",
      "code": "fea-st-20"
    "35": {
      "category": "Done",
      "narrative": "Implemented",
      "code": "fea-st-30"

This end point returns epic meta of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
projectId int Required project ID
itemType string Required Item type could be userstory, task, issue, epic, sprint or release

The meta response

Parameter Description
status List of statuses of epic


Get projects

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Demo Project",
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "label": "DP",
    "workflowScheme": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Default scheme",
      "description": "Scheme contains all default statuses",
      "isDefault": true,
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:57.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:57.000+0000"
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all projects.

HTTP Request


Parameter Description
id Project ID
title Project title
owner User who is responsible of the project
label Project key
workflowScheme Custom Status set associated with the project
createdOn Date on which project is created

Get Backlog

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

      "id": 1,
      "title": "As a Scrum Master I want to track my sprint contents easily so can see what team has worked on",
      "planEstimate": 0,
      "storyPoints": "5",
      "effortEstimate": 13.75,
      "effortRemaining": 9,
      "effortLogged": 4.5,
      "status": {
        "code": "us-st-20",
        "narrative": "In Progress"
      "owner": {
        "id": 1
      "release": {
        "id": 1
      "epic": {
        "id": 2
      "sprint": {
        "id": 1,
        "startDate": "2016-10-27T13:55:47.775+0000"
      "priority": 4,
      "tags": [
          "id": 2,
          "title": "tracking"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T13:49:58.000+0000"
    "limit": 20,
    "nextOffSet": 20,
    "totalCount": 1

This end point retrieves the backlog userstories of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
filter Required Accepted values : all, unscheduled, insprint or done
orderBy Order in which user want to fetch userstories like id or priority etc
order Accepted values: asc and desc
sprintIds Comma separated sprint IDs
releaseIds Comma separated release IDs
componentIds Comma separated component IDs
epicIds Comma separated epic IDs
ownerIds Comma separated owner IDs
followerIds Comma separated follower IDs
otherResponsibleIds Comma separated other responsible IDs
limit Number of records to be fetched in one request
offset Offset value

The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
priority Userstory star priority
release Associated release
component List of components associated with userstory
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags to be associated with userstory
epic Associated epic
owner Userstory responsible
createdBy User who created the userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated

Get Users

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Mark",
    "lastName": "Lance",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 8
    "createdOn": "2016-01-06T10:08:07.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-01-06T10:08:14.000+0000"
    "id": 2,
    "firstName": "demo",
    "lastName": "user",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-01-06T10:18:04.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-01-06T10:18:04.000+0000"
    "id": 3,
    "firstName": "Lisa",
    "lastName": "Stone",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-01-06T10:32:05.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-01-06T10:32:05.000+0000"

This end point retrieves the backlog userstories of given project.

HTTP Request


The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
firstName First name of user
lastName Last name of user
email Email address
createdOn Date on which user is created
updatedBy User who previously made changes to user settings
updatedOn Date on which user is updated

Get Comments

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "description": {
      "title": "Need to test again"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Mike",
      "lastName": "Ross",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-11-07T06:29:26.000+0500",
      "updatedBy": {},
      "updatedOn": "2016-11-07T06:29:31.000+0500"
    "createdOn": "2017-04-06T18:05:14.000+0500"

This end point retrieves all comments of given item type.

HTTP Request


The comment URL parameter

Parameter Description
item Accepted values : userstories,issues,tasks,sprints,epics or releases

The comment object

Parameter Description
description Description contains title attribute for string
createdBy Creator object

Get Components

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "General"

This end point retrieves all components of given project.

HTTP Request


The component object

Parameter Description
id Component ID
title Title

Get Custom Fields

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 36,
    "fieldName": "Issue Type",
    "fieldType": "Text",
    "isRequired": false,
    "maxLength": 256,
    "fieldOptions": []

This end point retrieves all custom fields for specified item type of given project.

HTTP Request


The custom field URL parameter

Parameter Description
itemType Accepted values : userstory, issue, task or epic

The cutom field object

Parameter Description
id Custom field ID
fieldName Field name
fieldType Field Type
isRequired Required or not
maxLength Maximum Length
fieldOptions Options listing in case of multi-value field


Add Attachment

curl -X POST -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'
 -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -F 'file=@image.jpg'

Response body:

  "attachments": [
      "filename": "image.jpg",
      "fileType": "jpg",
      "filepath": "",
      "createdOn": "2017-02-01T08:06:44.034+0000",
      "thumbURL": ""

This end point associates the attachments with provided item of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
itemType Item type could be issue, userstory, task, sprint, release or epic.
itemId Item ID

The attachment request payload

Parameter Description
file file Required One or more files could be attached. Attachment has a maximum size limit of 10 MB collectively.

Get Attachments

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "filename": "att1",
    "fileType": "png",
    "filepath": ""
    "filename": "att2",
    "fileType": "jpg",
    "filepath": ""
    "filename": "att3",
    "fileType": "jpg",
    "filepath": ""
    "filename": "att4",
    "fileType": "pdf",
    "filepath": ""

This end point retrieves all attachments of given item type.

HTTP Request


The attachment URL parameter

Parameter Description
item Accepted values : userstories,issues,tasks,sprints,epics or releases

The attachment object

Parameter Description
filename File name of attachment
fileType File type
filepath File path

Bulk items

Get Bulk Items

curl -X GET ',6,7&fields=all'
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 5,
    "title": "As a user I want to see the widget updated when some attachment or comments added to my items",
    "planEstimate": 0,
    "storyPoints": "10",
    "effortEstimate": 18.5,
    "effortRemaining": 10.5,
    "effortLogged": 8,
    "status": {
      "code": "us-st-20"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1
    "release": {
      "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000"
    "epic": {
      "id": 3
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000"
    "tasks": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Show attachments icon and corresponding count when attachments are added to comments",
        "effortEstimate": 8,
        "effortLogged": 4.5,
        "effortRemaining": 3.5,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-20"
        "tags": [
            "id": 17,
            "title": "icon"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T13:20:43.000+0000"
        "id": 2,
        "title": "Show comments icon if comments exists",
        "effortEstimate": 3,
        "effortLogged": 1.5,
        "effortRemaining": 1.5,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-20"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 3,
        "title": "Increase the counter when the new comment is added",
        "effortEstimate": 2,
        "effortLogged": 2,
        "effortRemaining": 0,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-30"
        "tags": [
            "id": 11,
            "title": "timer"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 4,
        "title": "Make inline components so when I click on attachment or comments icon, I could see the contents",
        "effortEstimate": 5.5,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 5.5,
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-10"
        "tags": [
            "id": 11,
            "title": "timer"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "issues": [
        "id": 7,
        "title": "Links are not shown correctly when attachments added on backlog",
        "responsible": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "err-st-10"
        "severity": {
          "code": "err-svr-10",
          "value": 5
        "release": {
          "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000",
          "endDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000"
        "sprint": {
          "id": 1,
          "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000"
        "effortEstimate": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 0,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "highPriority": true,
        "mscwPriority": {
          "code": "err-pr-30"
        "tags": [
            "id": 10,
            "title": "backlog"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T14:01:13.000+0000"
    "priority": 5,
    "tags": [
        "id": 9,
        "title": "ux"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-28T12:17:24.000+0000"
    "id": 6,
    "title": "As an Admin I want to invite new users to my project using Administration settings",
    "planEstimate": 0,
    "storyPoints": "10",
    "effortEstimate": 18.5,
    "effortRemaining": 10.5,
    "effortLogged": 8,
    "status": {
      "code": "us-st-20"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1
    "release": {
      "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000"
    "epic": {
      "id": 3
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000"
    "tasks": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Show attachments icon and corresponding count when attachments are added to comments",
        "effortEstimate": 8,
        "effortLogged": 4.5,
        "effortRemaining": 3.5,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-20"
        "tags": [
            "id": 17,
            "title": "icon"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T13:20:43.000+0000"
        "id": 2,
        "title": "Show comments icon if comments exists",
        "effortEstimate": 3,
        "effortLogged": 1.5,
        "effortRemaining": 1.5,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-20"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 3,
        "title": "Increase the counter when the new comment is added",
        "effortEstimate": 2,
        "effortLogged": 2,
        "effortRemaining": 0,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-30"
        "tags": [
            "id": 11,
            "title": "timer"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 4,
        "title": "Make inline components so when I click on attachment or comments icon, I could see the contents",
        "effortEstimate": 5.5,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 5.5,
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-10"
        "tags": [
            "id": 11,
            "title": "timer"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "issues": [
        "id": 7,
        "title": "Links are not shown correctly when attachments added on backlog",
        "responsible": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "err-st-10"
        "severity": {
          "code": "err-svr-10",
          "value": 5
        "release": {
          "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000",
          "endDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000"
        "sprint": {
          "id": 1,
          "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000"
        "effortEstimate": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 0,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "highPriority": true,
        "mscwPriority": {
          "code": "err-pr-30"
        "tags": [
            "id": 10,
            "title": "backlog"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T14:01:13.000+0000"
    "priority": 5,
    "tags": [
        "id": 9,
        "title": "ux"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-28T12:17:24.000+0000"
    "id": 7,
    "title": "Email notification ",
    "planEstimate": 0,
    "storyPoints": "10",
    "effortEstimate": 18.5,
    "effortRemaining": 10.5,
    "effortLogged": 8,
    "status": {
      "code": "us-st-20"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1
    "release": {
      "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000"
    "epic": {
      "id": 3
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.550+0000"
    "tasks": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Show attachments icon",
        "effortEstimate": 8,
        "effortLogged": 4.5,
        "effortRemaining": 3.5,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-20"
        "tags": [
            "id": 17,
            "title": "icon"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T13:20:43.000+0000"
        "id": 2,
        "title": "Show comments icon if comments exists",
        "effortEstimate": 3,
        "effortLogged": 1.5,
        "effortRemaining": 1.5,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-20"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 3,
        "title": "Increase the counter when the new comment is added",
        "effortEstimate": 2,
        "effortLogged": 2,
        "effortRemaining": 0,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-30"
        "tags": [
            "id": 11,
            "title": "timer"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 4,
        "title": "Make inline components so when I click on attachment or comments icon, I could see the contents",
        "effortEstimate": 5.5,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 5.5,
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-10"
        "tags": [
            "id": 11,
            "title": "timer"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "issues": [
        "id": 7,
        "title": "Links are not shown correctly when attachments added on backlog",
        "responsible": {
          "id": 1
        "status": {
          "code": "err-st-10"
        "severity": {
          "code": "err-svr-10",
          "value": 5
        "release": {
          "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000",
          "endDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000"
        "sprint": {
          "id": 1,
          "startDate": "2016-10-28T12:17:28.552+0000"
        "effortEstimate": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 0,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "highPriority": true,
        "mscwPriority": {
          "code": "err-pr-30"
        "tags": [
            "id": 10,
            "title": "backlog"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T14:01:13.000+0000"
    "priority": 5,
    "tags": [
        "id": 9,
        "title": "ux"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-28T12:17:24.000+0000"

This end point retrieves bulk items along with their sub items (if any). Specify the Item IDs and type in order to fetch the data.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
ids Comma separated list of item IDs
itemType Item type could be userstory, issue and task
projectIds List of project IDs (if unprovided, it sets user’s default projects)

The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
priority Userstory star priority
release Associated release
sprint Assocated Sprint
tags List of tags associated with userstory
epic Associated epic
tasks List of tasks associated with userstory
issues List of issues associated with userstory
owner Owner of the userstory
component List of components associated with userstory
createdBy User who created the userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated


Create Userstory

  curl -X POST  ''
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '
  "title":"As an admin I want to have options to view multiple different columns in the backlog",
  "priority": 1

Request Payload:

"title":"As an admin I want to have options to view multiple different columns in the backlog",

Response body:

 "message": "Userstory created successfully : US - 1"

This end point creates a new userstory of given project.

HTTP Request


The userstory request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Title of the userstory Required title
description string Description of the userstory
status status Status of the userstory (code according to Status Set) Required code
priority int Userstory star priority
dueDate DateTime Due date of the userstory (date should be in ISO format)
followers_id follower List of followers to be associated with userstory Required id
components component List of components to be associated with userstory Required id
release release Release to be associated Required id
sprint sprint Sprint to be associated Required id
storyPoints string Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
tags tag List of tags to be associated Required title
epic epic Epic to be associated Required id
otherResponsibles otherResponsible List of other responsibles to be associated Required id
owner owner Responsible of the userstory Required id

Get Userstory

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "id": 2,
  "title": "As an admin I want to have options to view multiple different columns in the backlog",
  "planEstimate": 10,
  "storyPoints": "10",
  "effortEstimate": 0,
  "effortRemaining": 0,
  "effortLogged": 0,
  "status": {
    "code": "us-st-10",
    "narrative": "New"
  "owner": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "release": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Release # 1",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "epic": {
    "id": 3,
    "title": "Offer options to manage backlog easily",
    "planEstimate": 10,
    "status": {
      "code": "fea-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "owner": {
        "id": 1
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "sprint": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Sprint # 1",
    "description": "",
    "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "status": {
      "code": "itr-st-30",
      "narrative": "Accepted"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "sprintType": "SCRUM",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "priority": 5,
  "comments": [
      "description": {
        "title": "Please follow attachment"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Harvey",
        "lastName": "Specter",
        "email": "",
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
            "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "createdOn": "2016-10-27T14:13:45.000+0000"
  "customFields": [
      "id": 10,
      "fieldName": "Story Verification",
      "fieldType": "text",
      "value": ""
  "followerIds": [
  "otherResponsibleIds": [
  "componentIds": [
  "tags": [
      "id": 10,
      "title": "backlog"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T14:13:48.000+0000"

This end point retrieves userstory of given project.

HTTP Request


The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
priority Userstory star priority
owner Userstory responsible
followerIds List of follower IDs
release Associated release
component List of components associated with userstory
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags to be associated with userstory
epic Associated epic
customFields List of custom fields associated with userstory
comments List of comments
otherResponsibleIds List of other responsibles associated with userstory
createdBy User who created the userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated

Get Userstories

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

      "id": 1,
      "title": "As a Scrum Master I want to track my sprint contents easily so can see what team has worked on",
      "planEstimate": 0,
      "storyPoints": "5",
      "effortEstimate": 13.75,
      "effortRemaining": 9,
      "effortLogged": 4.5,
      "status": {
        "code": "us-st-20",
        "narrative": "In Progress"
      "owner": {
        "id": 1
      "release": {
        "id": 1
      "epic": {
        "id": 2
      "sprint": {
        "id": 1,
        "startDate": "2016-10-27T13:55:47.775+0000"
      "priority": 4,
      "tags": [
          "id": 2,
          "title": "tracking"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T13:49:58.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all userstories of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
ids Comma separated list of issue ids
limit Number of records to be fetched in one request
offset Offset value

The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
priority Userstory star priority
release Associated release
component List of components associated with userstory
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags to be associated with userstory
epic Associated epic
owner Userstory responsible
createdBy User who created the userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated

Get Userstory Issues

curl -X GET
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 7,
    "title": "Links are not shown correctly when attachments added on backlog",
    "responsible": {
      "id": 1
    "status": {
      "code": "err-st-10"
    "severity": {
      "code": "err-svr-10",
      "value": 5
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "startDate": "2016-10-27T14:01:24.528+0000"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "startDate": "2016-10-27T14:01:24.528+0000"
    "effortEstimate": 0,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "effortLogged": 0,
    "highPriority": true,
    "mscwPriority": {
      "code": "err-pr-30"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T14:01:13.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all issues of given userstory.

HTTP Request


The issue object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the issue
status Status of the issue (code and narrative according to Status Set)
responsible Responsible of the issue
severity Severity of the issue
components List of components to be associated with the issue
effortEstimate Estimated effort on the issue
effortRemaining Effort remaining on the issue
effortLogged Effort spent on the issue
highPriority High priority (true or false)
mscwPriority Moscow priority (Should fix, Must fix, Could fix)
release Associated release
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags associated with the issue
createdOn Date on which issue is created
createdBy User who created the issue
updatedOn Date on which the last action was performed on issue
updatedBy User who performed the last action on issue

Get Userstory Sub Items

curl -X GET ',32&fields=all'
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

        "id": 32,
        "tasks": [
                "id": 134,
                "title": "Show attachments icon and corresponding count when attachments are added to comments",
                "effortEstimate": 0,
                "effortLogged": 0,
                "effortRemaining": 0,
                "owner": {
                    "id": 1
                "status": {
                    "code": "tsk-st-10"
                "createdBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "createdOn": "2017-07-07T10:53:52.000+0000",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "updatedOn": "2017-07-07T10:53:52.000+0000"
                "id": 135,
                "title": "Show comments icon if comments exists",
                "effortEstimate": 0,
                "effortLogged": 0,
                "effortRemaining": 0,
                "owner": {
                    "id": 1
                "status": {
                    "code": "tsk-st-10"
                "createdBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "createdOn": "2017-07-07T10:53:53.000+0000",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "updatedOn": "2017-07-07T10:53:53.000+0000"
        "issues": [
                "id": 15,
                "title": "CSS needs to be fixed for some pages",
                "status": {
                    "code": "err-st-10"
                "severity": {
                    "code": "err-svr-10",
                    "value": 5
                "sprint": {
                    "id": 4
                "effortEstimate": 0,
                "effortRemaining": 0,
                "effortLogged": 0,
                "highPriority": false,
                "mscwPriority": {
                    "code": "err-pr-10"
                "createdBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "createdOn": "2017-07-07T10:53:59.000+0000",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "updatedOn": "2017-07-07T10:53:59.000+0000"
                "id": 16,
                "title": "Counters are not being shown correctly when comments added from board",
                "status": {
                    "code": "err-st-10"
                "severity": {
                    "code": "err-svr-10",
                    "value": 5
                "sprint": {
                    "id": 4
                "effortEstimate": 0,
                "effortRemaining": 0,
                "effortLogged": 0,
                "highPriority": false,
                "mscwPriority": {
                    "code": "err-pr-10"
                "createdBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "createdOn": "2017-07-07T10:54:00.000+0000",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "updatedOn": "2017-07-07T10:54:00.000+0000"
                "id": 17,
                "title": "Option to export cards on Sprint not working properly",
                "status": {
                    "code": "err-st-10"
                "severity": {
                    "code": "err-svr-10",
                    "value": 5
                "sprint": {
                    "id": 4
                "effortEstimate": 0,
                "effortRemaining": 0,
                "effortLogged": 0,
                "highPriority": false,
                "mscwPriority": {
                    "code": "err-pr-10"
                "createdBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "createdOn": "2017-07-07T10:54:00.000+0000",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "updatedOn": "2017-07-07T10:54:00.000+0000"
                "id": 18,
                "title": "Quick add seems to work fine, but sometimes it doesn't remember fields that I selected before.",
                "status": {
                    "code": "err-st-10"
                "severity": {
                    "code": "err-svr-10",
                    "value": 5
                "sprint": {
                    "id": 4
                "effortEstimate": 0,
                "effortRemaining": 0,
                "effortLogged": 0,
                "highPriority": false,
                "mscwPriority": {
                    "code": "err-pr-10"
                "createdBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "createdOn": "2017-07-07T10:54:01.000+0000",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "updatedOn": "2017-07-07T10:54:01.000+0000"
        "id": 31,
        "tasks": [
                "id": 133,
                "title": "Show estimates and other estimates for each item",
                "effortEstimate": 0,
                "effortLogged": 0,
                "effortRemaining": 0,
                "owner": {
                    "id": 1
                "status": {
                    "code": "tsk-st-10"
                "createdBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "createdOn": "2017-07-07T10:40:37.000+0000",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "id": 1
                "updatedOn": "2017-07-07T10:40:37.000+0000"


This end point retrieves user story sub items; tasks and issues of user’s project. If a userstory doesn’t contain any sub items it will be skipped in result.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
ids Comma separated list of maximum 50 userstories IDs per request

The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Userstory ID
tasks List of tasks associated with userstory
issues List of issues associated with userstory

Update Userstory

  curl -X PUT  ''
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -d ' {  "sprint": {"id": 1} }'

Request Payload:

  "title": " Updated userstory through API"

Response body:

  "message": "Userstory updated successfully : US - 1"

This end point updates specified userstory.

HTTP Request


The userstory request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Title of the userstory
description string Description of the userstory
status status Status of the userstory (code according to Status Set) Required code
priority int Userstory star priority
dueDate DateTime Due date of the userstory (date should be in ISO format)
followers_id follower List of follower IDs to be associated Required id
components component List of component IDs to be associated Required id
release release Release to be associated Required id
sprint sprint Sprint to be associated Required id
storyPoints string Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
tags tag List of tags to be associated Required title
epic epic Epic to be associated Required id
otherResponsibles otherResponsible List of other responsible IDs to be associated Required id
owner owner Responsible of the userstory Required id

Delete Userstory

curl -X DELETE ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "message": "Userstory deleted successfully : US - 1"

This end point deletes specified userstory.

HTTP Request



Issue arise as the userstory progresses. Issues are sub-units of userstory and are mainly reported under it, however they can exist independently as well.

Create Issue

curl -X POST ''
 -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw'
-H 'Content-Type:application/json'  -d ' {
    "title" : "Sort by last updated, sequence and many other options should be possible.",
    "description" : "Sorting issue on main board. ",
    "severity" : {
        "code" : "err-svr-10"
    "priority" : {
        "code" : "err-pr-20"
    "status" : {
        "code" : "err-st-10"
    "sprint" : {
        "id" : 1
    "dueDate" : "2016-02-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "otherResponsibles" : [{
            "id" : 1

Request Payload:

    "title" : "Sort by last updated, sequence and many other options should be possible.",
    "description" : "Sorting issue on main board. ",
    "severity" : {
        "code" : "err-svr-10"
    "priority" : {
        "code" : "err-pr-20"
    "status" : {
        "code" : "err-st-10"
    "sprint" : {
        "id" : 1
    "dueDate" : "2016-02-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "otherResponsibles" : [{
            "id" : 1

Response body:

"message": "Issue created successfully : BG - 1"

This end point creates a new issue.

HTTP Request


The issue request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Required Title of the issue
responsible responsible Issue Responsible Required id
description string Description of the issue
status status Status of issue (code according to Status Set) Required code
severity severity Severity of issue Required code
components component List of components to be associated with issue Required id
release release Release to be associated Required id
sprint sprint Sprint to be associated Required id
highPriority boolean High priority (true or false)
mscwPriority moscowPriority Moscow priority (Should fix, Must fix, Could fix) Required code
dueDate datetime Due date of issue (date should be in ISO format)
followers_id follower List of followers to be associated with issue IDs Required id
stepsToReproduce string Steps to reproduce the issue
tags tag List of tags to be associated with issue Required title
otherResponsibles otherResponsible List of other responsibles to be associated with issue IDs Required id

Get Issue

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "id": 6,
  "title": "CSS needs to be fixed for some pages",
  "responsible": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "status": {
    "code": "err-st-40",
    "narrative": "Closed"
  "severity": {
    "code": "err-svr-30",
    "narrative": "Major"
  "release": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Release # 1"
  "sprint": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Sprint # 1",
    "description": "",
    "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "status": {},
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "effortEstimate": 0,
  "effortRemaining": 0,
  "effortLogged": 0,
  "highPriority": false,
  "dueDate": "2016-10-11T00:00:01.000+0000",
  "mscwPriority": {
    "code": "err-pr-30",
    "narrative": "Should Fix"
  "comments": [
      "description": {
        "title": "Change background color too."
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Harvey",
        "lastName": "Specter",
        "email": "",
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
            "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "createdOn": "2016-10-27T06:26:29.000+0000"
  "customFields": [
      "id": 1,
      "fieldName": "Text Custom Field",
      "fieldType": "text",
      "value": ""
  "followerIds": [
  "otherResponsibleIds": [
  "componentIds": [
  "tags": [
      "id": 7,
      "title": "ui"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T06:24:55.000+0000"

This end point retrieves specificied issue of given project.

HTTP Request


The issue object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the issue
description Description of the issue
stepsToReproduce Steps to reproduce the issue
responsible Responsible of issue
status Status of issue (code and narrative according to Status Set)
severity Severity of issue
component List of Components to be associated with issue
dueDate Due date of issue (date should be in ISO format)
effortEstimate Estimated effort on issue
effortRemaining Effort remaining on issue
effortLogged Effort spent on issue
comments List of comments on issue
customFields List of custom fields associated with issue
highPriority High priority (true or false)
mscwPriority Moscow priority (Should fix, Must fix, Could fix)
followerIds List of followers associated with issue
release Associated release
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags associated with issue
otherResponsibles List of other responsibles associated with issue
createdOn Date on which issue is created
createdBy User who created the issue
updatedOn Date on which the last action was performed on issue
updatedBy User who performed the last action on issue

Get Issues

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

      "id": 1,
      "title": "CSS needs to be fixed for some pages",
      "responsible": {
        "id": 1
      "status": {
        "code": "err-st-40",
        "narrative": "Closed"
      "severity": {
        "code": "err-svr-30",
        "narrative": "Major",
        "value": 3
      "release": {
        "id": 1
      "sprint": {
        "id": 1,
        "startDate": "2016-10-27T08:08:51.803+0000"
      "effortEstimate": 0,
      "effortRemaining": 0,
      "effortLogged": 0,
      "highPriority": false,
      "dueDate": "2016-10-11T00:00:01.000+0000",
      "mscwPriority": {
        "code": "err-pr-30"
      "tags": [
          "id": 7,
          "title": "ui"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T06:24:55.000+0000"
      "id": 6,
      "title": "Counters are not being shown correctly when comments added from board",
      "responsible": {
        "id": 1
      "status": {
        "code": "err-st-20",
        "narrative": "In progress"
      "severity": {
        "code": "err-svr-50",
        "narrative": "Blocker",
        "value": 1
      "release": {
        "id": 1
      "sprint": {
        "id": 1,
        "startDate": "2016-10-27T08:08:51.811+0000"
      "effortEstimate": 0,
      "effortRemaining": 0,
      "effortLogged": 0,
      "highPriority": false,
      "mscwPriority": {
        "code": "err-pr-40"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
      "id": 8,
      "title": "Option to export cards on Sprint not working properly",
      "responsible": {
        "id": 1
      "status": {
        "code": "err-st-40",
        "narrative": "Closed"
      "severity": {
        "code": "err-svr-10",
        "narrative": "Normal",
        "value": 5
      "release": {},
      "sprint": {
        "id": 2,
        "startDate": "2016-10-27T08:08:51.814+0000"
      "effortEstimate": 4.833333333333333,
      "effortRemaining": 0,
      "effortLogged": 4,
      "highPriority": false,
      "mscwPriority": {
        "code": "err-pr-30"
      "tags": [
          "id": 6,
          "title": "css"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
      "id": 9,
      "title": "Quick add seems to work fine, but sometimes it doesn't remember fields that I selected before.",
      "responsible": {
        "id": 1
      "status": {
        "code": "err-st-10",
        "narrative": "New"
      "severity": {
        "code": "err-svr-40",
        "narrative": "Critical",
        "value": 2
      "effortEstimate": 0,
      "effortRemaining": 0,
      "effortLogged": 0,
      "highPriority": false,
      "mscwPriority": {
        "code": "err-pr-20"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "limit": 50,
    "nextOffSet": 50,

This end point retrieves all issues of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
ids Comma separated list of issue ids
limit Number of records to be fetched in one request
offset Offset value

The issue object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the issue
description Description of the issue
stepsToReproduce Steps to reproduce of issue
responsible Responsible of issue
status Status of issue (code and narrative according to Status Set)
severity Severity of issue
component List of Components associated with the issue
dueDate Due date of issue (date should be in ISO format)
effortEstimate Estimated effort on issue
effortRemaining Effort remaining on issue
effortLogged Effort spent on issue
highPriority High priority (true or false)
mscwPriority Moscow priority (Should fix, Must fix, Could fix)
release Associated release
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags associated with the issue
createdOn Date on which issue is created
createdBy User who created the issue
updatedOn Date on which the last action was performed on issue
updatedBy User who performed the last action on issue

Update Issue

  curl -X PUT  ''
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -d '{"title":"Slider issue"}'

Request Payload:

    "title": "Slider issue "

Response body:

  "message": "Issue updated successfully : BG - 1"

This end point updates specified issue.

HTTP Request


The issue request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Title of the issue
description string Description of the issue
status status Status of issue (code according to Status Set) Required code
severity severity Severity of issue Required code
dueDate DateTime Due date of issue (date should be in ISO format)
followers_id follower List of followers to be associated with issue IDs Required id
stepsToReproduce string Steps to reproduce of issue
components component List of components to be associated with issue IDs Required id
release release Release to be update ID Requiredid
sprint sprint Sprint to be update ID Requiredid
tags tag List of components to be associated with issue Required title
highPriority boolean High priority (true or false)
mscwPriority moscowPriority Moscow priority (Should fix, Must fix, Could fix) Required code
otherResponsibles otherResponsible List of other responsibles to be associated with issue IDs Required id
responsible responsible Responsible of issue Required id

Update Issue Effort

  curl -X PUT  ''
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -d '{"effortSpent":"1.5","activityDate":"2016-02-02T00:00:00.000Z"}'

Request Payload:

    "effortSpent": "1.5",
    "activityDate": "2016-02-02T00:00:00.000Z"

Response body:

  "message": "Issue effort logged successfully : BG - 6"

This end point updates specified issue effort.

HTTP Request


The issue request payload

Parameter Description
effortSpent string Required Effort spent value for issue (in decimal minutes)
activityDate date Required Date on which activity is performed(Date representation in ISO format)

Delete Issue

curl -X DELETE ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "message": "Issue deleted successfully : BG - 1"

This end point deletes specified issue.

HTTP Request



Task is a small unit of work divided to ensure complete tracking. Tasks are sub-units of userstory.

Create Userstory Task

  curl -X POST  ''
    -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'
  -d '{
    "title" : "Show attachments icon",
    "otherResponsibles" : [{
            "id" : 1
    "followers_id" : [{
            "id" : "1"
  "status" : {
    "code" : "tsk-st-10"

Request Payload:

    "title" : "Show attachments icon",
    "otherResponsibles" : [{
            "id" : 1
    "followers_id" : [{
            "id" : "1"
  "status" : {
    "code" : "tsk-st-10"

Response body:

   "message": "Task created successfully : TK - 5"

This end point creates a new task of given userstory.

HTTP Request


The task request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Required Title of the task
description string Description of the task
status status Status of the task (code according to Status Set) Required code
dueDate DateTime Due date of the task (date should be in ISO format)
followers_id follower list of follower to be associated with the task IDs Required id
tags tag List of tags to be associated with the task Required title
otherResponsibles otherResponsible List of other responsibles to be associated with the task IDs Required id
owner owner Responsible of the task Required id

Create Bulk Tasks

  curl -X POST  ''
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'
  -d '[
    "title" : "Show attachments icon",
    "owner": {"id":1},
    "status": {"code": "tsk-st-10"}
    "title" : "A randomly large title to see how much text can be viewed in this area.",
    "owner": {"id":1},
    "status": {"code": "tsk-st-20"}

Request Payload:

     "title" : "Show attachments icon",
     "owner": {"id":1},
     "status": {"code": "tsk-st-10"}
    "title" : "A randomly large title to see how much text can be viewed in this area.",
    "owner": {"id":1},
    "status": {"code": "tsk-st-20"}

Response body:

   "message": "Tasks created successfully."

This end point creates bulk tasks in given userstory. If item contains invalid value it will be skipped. This API call allows 60 number of items per request.

HTTP Request


The task request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Required Title of the task
description string Description of the task
status status Status of the task (code according to Status Set) Required code
dueDate DateTime Due date of the task (date should be in ISO format)
owner owner Responsible of the task Required id

Get Task

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Show attachments icon and corresponding count when attachments are added to comments",
  "effortEstimate": 8,
  "effortLogged": 4.5,
  "effortRemaining": 3.5,
  "sprintTitle":"Test Sprint",
  "projectTitle":"Demo Project",
  "owner": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {},
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "status": {
    "code": "tsk-st-20",
    "narrative": "In Progress"
  "comments": [
      "description": {
        "title": "Follow attachement"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Harvey",
        "lastName": "Specter",
        "email": "",
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
            "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "createdOn": "2016-10-27T13:21:35.000+0000"
  "customFields": [
      "id": 2,
      "fieldName": "Task Link",
      "fieldType": "text",
      "value": ""
  "followerIds": [
  "otherResponsibleIds": [
  "tags": [
      "id": 17,
      "title": "icon"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T13:20:43.000+0000"

This end point retrieves specificied task of given project.

HTTP Request


The task object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the task
effortEstimate Estimated effort on the task
effortRemaining Effort remaining on the task
effortLogged Effort spent on the task
status Status of the task (code according to Status Set)
otherResponsibleIds List of other responsibles associated with the task
followerIds List of followers associated with the task
customFields List of custom fields associated with the task
tags List of tags associated with the task
owner Responsible of the task
createdOn Date on which task is created
createdBy User who created the task
updatedOn Date on which the last action performed on task
updatedBy User who performed the last action on task

Get Userstory Tasks

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 6,
    "title": "Show estimates and other estimates for each item",
    "effortEstimate": 4.75,
    "effortLogged": 4.5,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "owner": {
      "id": 1
    "status": {
      "code": "tsk-st-30"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "id": 8,
    "title": "create task using api",
    "effortEstimate": 0,
    "effortLogged": 0,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "owner": {
      "id": 1
    "status": {
      "code": "tsk-st-10"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-27T13:12:39.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T13:12:39.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all tasks of given userstory.

HTTP Request


The task object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification Number
title Title of the task
owner Responsible of the task
description Description of the task
status Status of the task (code according to Status Set)
effortEstimate Estimated effort on the task
effortRemaining Effort remaining on the task
effortLogged Effort spent on the task
createdOn Date on which task is created
createdBy User who created the task
updatedOn Date on which the last action performed on task
updatedBy User who performed the last action on task

Update Task

  curl -X PUT  ''
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key:210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'

Request Payload:

  "title": " Updated Task through API"

Response body:

  "message": "Task updated successfully : TK - 1"

This end point updates specified task.

HTTP Request


The task request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Title of the task title
description string Description of the task description
status status Status of the task (code according to Status Set) Required code
dueDate DateTime Due date of the task (date should be in ISO format)
followers_id follower List of followers to be assocated with the task IDs Required id
tags tag List of tags to be assocated with the task Required title
otherResponsibles otherResponsible List of other responsibles to be associated with the task IDs Required id
owner owner Responsible of the task Required id

Update Task Effort

  curl -X PUT  ''
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -d '{"effortSpent":"1.5","activityDate":"2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"}'

Request Payload:

  "effortSpent": "1.5",
  "activityDate": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"

Response body:

  "message": "Task effort logged successfully : TK - 1"

This end point updates specified issue effort.

HTTP Request


The task request payload

Parameter Description
effortSpent string Required Effort spent on task (in decimal minutes)
activityDate DateTime Required Date on which activity is performed (date representation in ISO format)

Delete Task

curl -X DELETE ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "message": "Task deleted successfully  : TK - 5"

This end point deletes specified task.

HTTP Request



Search results related to applied filters.

curl -X POST ''
-H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -d



Request Payload:

  "sprints": [25],
  "owners": [0],
  "otherResponsibles": [6],
  "followers": [6],
  "releases": [114],
  "components": [1],

Response body:

      "id": 2,
      "title": "As an admin I want to have options to view multiple different columns in the backlog",
      "planEstimate": 10,
      "storyPoints": "10",
      "effortEstimate": 0,
      "effortRemaining": 0,
      "effortLogged": 0,
      "status": {
        "code": "us-st-10",
        "narrative": "New"
      "owner": {
        "id": 1
      "release": {
        "id": 1
      "epic": {
        "id": 3
      "sprint": {
        "id": 1,
        "startDate": "2016-10-27T14:28:56.806+0000"
      "priority": 5,
      "tags": [
          "id": 10,
          "title": "backlog"
          "id": 19,
          "title": "patched"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T14:28:54.000+0000"
    "limit": 10,
    "nextOffSet": 10

This end point retrieves items with applied filters.

The query parameters

Parameter Description
itemType Item type could be issue or userstory.

HTTP Request


The request payload

Parameter Description
searchStrings string searchString against title, tags or description etc
startCreatedDate DateTime The start of item created date range
endCreatedDate DateTime The end of item created date range
startUpdatedDate DateTime The start of item updated date range
endUpdatedDate DateTime The end of item updated date range
startDueDate DateTime The start of item due date range
endDueDate DateTime The end of item due date range
status string List of statuses according to Status Set
severities string List of severities code
dueDate DateTime Due date of userstory (date should be in ISO format)
followers int List of follower IDs
components int List of component IDs
release int List of release IDs
sprints int List of sprint IDs
highPriority boolean High priority (true or false)
otherResponsibles int List of other responsible IDs
responsible int Responsible of the item

The search request payload

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the userstory
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
priority Userstory star priority
release Associated release
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags associated with userstory
epic Associated epic
owner Responsible of userstory
createdBy User who created the userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated


Get Sprint Issues

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "CSS needs to be fixed for some pages",
    "responsible": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "status": {
      "code": "err-st-40",
      "narrative": "Closed"
    "severity": {
      "code": "err-svr-30",
      "narrative": "Major"
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Release # 1"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sprint # 1",
      "description": "",
      "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "status": {
        "code": "itr-st-30",
        "narrative": "Accepted"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "effortEstimate": 0,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "effortLogged": 0,
    "highPriority": false,
    "dueDate": "2016-10-11T00:00:01.000+0000",
    "mscwPriority": {
      "code": "err-pr-30",
      "narrative": "Should Fix"
    "tags": [
        "id": 7,
        "title": "ui"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T06:24:55.000+0000"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "[Continued] Should be able to save my search and filter criteria",
    "responsible": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "status": {
      "code": "err-st-20",
      "narrative": "In progress"
    "severity": {
      "code": "err-svr-10",
      "narrative": "Normal"
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Release # 1"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sprint # 1",
      "description": "",
      "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "status": {
        "code": "itr-st-30",
        "narrative": "Accepted"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "effortEstimate": 0,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "effortLogged": 0,
    "highPriority": false,
    "mscwPriority": {
      "code": "err-pr-20",
      "narrative": "Could Fix"
    "tags": [
        "id": 8,
        "title": "filters"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-18T11:53:39.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all issues of given project.

HTTP Request


The issue object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the issue
responsible Responsible of issue
status Status of issue (code and narrative according to Status Set)
severity Severity of issue
component List of Components to be associated with issue
dueDate Due date of issue (date should be in ISO format)
effortEstimate Estimated effort on issue
effortRemaining Effort remaining on issue
effortLogged Effort spent on issue
highPriority High priority (true or false)
mscwPriority Moscow priority (Should fix, Must fix, Could fix)
release Associated release
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags associated with issue
createdOn Date on which issue is created
createdBy User who created the issue
updatedOn Date on which the last action was performed on issue
updatedBy User who performed the last action on issue

Get Sprint Userstories

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "id" : 1,
  "title" : "As a Scrum Master I want to track my sprint contents easily so can see what team has worked on",
  "planEstimate" : 0,
  "storyPoints" : "5",
  "effortEstimate" : 13.75,
  "effortRemaining" : 9,
  "effortLogged" : 4.5,
  "status" : {
    "code" : "us-st-40",
    "narrative" : "Accepted"
  "owner" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "firstName" : "Harvey",
    "lastName" : "Specter",
    "email" : "",
    "createdBy" : {
      "id" : 1
    "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy" : {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "release" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "title" : "Release # 1",
    "createdBy" : {
      "id" : 1
    "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy" : {
      "id" : 1
    "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "component" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "title" : "General"
  "epic" : {
    "id" : 2,
    "title" : "Use Epics to manage high level features, link user stories. There is Global Epic to have cross project features tracking",
    "planEstimate" : 25,
    "status" : {
      "code" : "fea-st-10",
      "narrative" : "New"
    "owner" : {
        "id": 1
    "createdBy" : {
      "id" : 1
    "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy" : {
      "id" : 1
    "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "sprint" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "title" : "Sprint # 1",
    "description" : "",
    "startDate" : "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "endDate" : "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "status" : {
      "code" : "itr-st-30",
      "narrative" : "Accepted"
    "owner" : {
      "id" : 1,
      "firstName" : "Harvey",
      "lastName" : "Specter",
      "email" : "",
      "createdBy" : {
        "id" : 1
      "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy" : {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "sprintType" : "SCRUM",
    "createdBy" : {
      "id" : 1
    "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy" : {
      "id" : 1
    "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "tasks" : [{
      "id" : 5,
      "title" : "Summarize the estimates at userstory widget for tasks and issues",
      "effortEstimate" : 4,
      "effortLogged" : 0,
      "effortRemaining" : 4,
      "owner" : {
        "id" : 1,
        "firstName" : "Harvey",
        "lastName" : "Specter",
        "email" : "",
        "createdBy" : {
          "id" : 1
        "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy" : {
            "id": 1
        "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "status" : {
        "code" : "tsk-st-20",
        "narrative" : "In Progress"
      "createdBy" : {
        "id" : 1
      "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy" : {
        "id" : 1
      "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    }, {
      "id" : 6,
      "title" : "Show estimates and other estimates for each item",
      "effortEstimate" : 4.75,
      "effortLogged" : 4.5,
      "effortRemaining" : 0,
      "owner" : {
        "id" : 1,
        "firstName" : "Harvey",
        "lastName" : "Specter",
        "email" : "",
        "createdBy" : {
          "id" : 1
        "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy" : {
            "id": 1
        "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "status" : {
        "code" : "tsk-st-30",
        "narrative" : "Done"
      "createdBy" : {
        "id" : 1
      "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy" : {
        "id" : 1
      "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    }, {
      "id" : 7,
      "title" : "Show the counters on each panel at Sprint",
      "effortEstimate" : 5,
      "effortLogged" : 0,
      "effortRemaining" : 5,
      "status" : {
        "code" : "tsk-st-10",
        "narrative" : "New"
      "createdBy" : {
        "id" : 1
      "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy" : {
        "id" : 1
      "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
  "priority" : 4,
  "tags" : [{
      "id" : 2,
      "title" : "tracking"
  "createdBy" : {
    "id" : 1
  "createdOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
  "updatedBy" : {
    "id" : 1
  "updatedOn" : "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all userstories for given sprint and project.

HTTP Request


The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
priority Userstory star priority
owner Userstory Responsible
release Associated release
component List of Components associated with userstory
sprint Associated sprint
tags List of tags to be associated with userstory
epic Associated epic
createdBy User who created the userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated

Get Sprints

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Sprint # 1",
    "description": "",
    "status": {
      "code": "itr-st-20",
      "narrative": "Active"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all sprints of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
filter Filter could be active, closed or upcoming.

The sprint object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the sprint
description Description of sprint
status Status of sprint (code and narrative according to Status Set)
owner Responsible of sprint
createdOn Date on which sprint is created
updatedOn Date on which sprint is updated
startDate Sprint start date
endDate Sprint end date


Get Releases

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Release # 1",
    "description": "",
    "status": {
      "code": "rel-st-20",
      "narrative": "Active"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all releases of given project.

HTTP Request


The release object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the release
description Description of release
status Status of Release (code and narrative according to Status Set)
owner Responsible of release
createdOn Date on which release is created
updatedOn Date on which release is updated
startDate Release start date
endDate Release end date

Get Release Issues

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "CSS needs to be fixed for some pages",
    "responsible": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "status": {
      "code": "err-st-40",
      "narrative": "Closed"
    "severity": {
      "code": "err-svr-30",
      "narrative": "Major"
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Release # 1"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sprint # 1",
      "description": "",
      "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "status": {
        "code": "itr-st-30",
        "narrative": "Accepted"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "effortEstimate": 0,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "effortLogged": 0,
    "highPriority": false,
    "dueDate": "2016-10-11T00:00:01.000+0000",
    "mscwPriority": {
      "code": "err-pr-30",
      "narrative": "Should Fix"
    "tags": [
        "id": 7,
        "title": "ui"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-27T06:24:55.000+0000"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "[Continued] Should be able to save my search and filter criteria",
    "responsible": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "status": {
      "code": "err-st-20",
      "narrative": "In progress"
    "severity": {
      "code": "err-svr-10",
      "narrative": "Normal"
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Release # 1"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sprint # 1",
      "description": "",
      "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "status": {
        "code": "itr-st-30",
        "narrative": "Accepted"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "effortEstimate": 0,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "effortLogged": 0,
    "highPriority": false,
    "mscwPriority": {
      "code": "err-pr-20",
      "narrative": "Could Fix"
    "tags": [
        "id": 8,
        "title": "filters"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-18T11:53:39.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all issues of given project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
limit Number of records to be fetched in one request
offset offset value

The issue object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the issue
responsible Responsible of issue
status Status of issue (code and narrative according to Status Set)
severity Severity of issue
component List of Components associated with issue
release Associated release
sprint Associated sprint
effortEstimate Estimated effort on issue
effortRemaining Effort remaining on issue
effortLogged Effort spent on issue
highPriority High priority (true or false)
mscwPriority Moscow priority (Should fix, Must fix, Could fix)
tags List of tags associated with issue
createdBy User who created the issue
updatedBy User who performed the last action on the issue
createdOn Dateate on which issue is created
updatedOn Date on which issue is updated

Get Release Userstories

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "As a Scrum Master I want to track my sprint contents easily so can see what team has worked on",
    "planEstimate": 0,
    "storyPoints": "5",
    "effortEstimate": 13.75,
    "effortRemaining": 9,
    "effortLogged": 4.5,
    "status": {
      "code": "us-st-40",
      "narrative": "Accepted"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Release # 1",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "component": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "General"
    "epic": {
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Use Epics to manage high level features, link user stories. There is Global Epic to have cross project features tracking",
      "planEstimate": 25,
      "status": {
        "code": "fea-st-10",
        "narrative": "New"
      "owner": {
          "id": 1
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sprint # 1",
      "description": "",
      "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "status": {
        "code": "itr-st-30",
        "narrative": "Accepted"
      "owner": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Harvey",
        "lastName": "Specter",
        "email": "",
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {},
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "sprintType": "SCRUM",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "tasks": [
        "id": 5,
        "title": "Summarize the estimates at userstory widget for tasks and issues",
        "effortEstimate": 4,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 4,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1,
          "firstName": "Harvey",
          "lastName": "Specter",
          "email": "",
          "createdBy": {
            "id": 1
          "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
          "updatedBy": {
              "id": 1
          "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-20",
          "narrative": "In Progress"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 6,
        "title": "Show estimates and other estimates for each item",
        "effortEstimate": 4.75,
        "effortLogged": 4.5,
        "effortRemaining": 0,
        "owner": {
          "id": 1,
          "firstName": "Harvey",
          "lastName": "Specter",
          "email": "",
          "createdBy": {
            "id": 1
          "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
          "updatedBy": {
              "id": 1
          "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-30",
          "narrative": "Done"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
        "id": 7,
        "title": "Show the counters on each panel at Sprint",
        "effortEstimate": 5,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 5,
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-10",
          "narrative": "New"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "priority": 4,
    "tags": [
        "id": 2,
        "title": "tracking"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "id": 1,
    "title": "As an admin I want to have options to view multiple different columns in the backlog",
    "planEstimate": 0,
    "storyPoints": "5",
    "effortEstimate": 13.75,
    "effortRemaining": 9,
    "effortLogged": 4.5,
    "status": {
      "code": "us-st-40",
      "narrative": "Accepted"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Release # 1",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "component": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "General"
    "epic": {
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Use Epics to manage high level features, link user stories. There is Global Epic to have cross project features tracking",
      "planEstimate": 25,
      "status": {
        "code": "fea-st-10",
        "narrative": "New"
      "owner": {
          "id": 1
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sprint # 1",
      "description": "",
      "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "status": {
        "code": "itr-st-30",
        "narrative": "Accepted"
      "owner": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Harvey",
        "lastName": "Specter",
        "email": "",
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
            "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "sprintType": "SCRUM",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "tasks": [
        "id": 7,
        "title": "Show the counters on each panel at Sprint",
        "effortEstimate": 5,
        "effortLogged": 0,
        "effortRemaining": 5,
        "status": {
          "code": "tsk-st-10",
          "narrative": "New"
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "priority": 4,
    "tags": [
        "id": 2,
        "title": "tracking"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"


This end point retrieves all userstories for given release and project.

HTTP Request


The query parameters

Parameter Description
limit Number of records to be fetched in one request
offset offset value

The userstory object

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the userstory
description Description of userstory
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
tasks List of tasks associated with userstory
priority Userstory star priority
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
tags List of tags associated with userstory
release Associated release
sprint Associated sprint
epic Associated epic
owner Userstory responsible
component List of components associated with userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated


An Epic is defined as a large body of work. An Epic might be a single large userstory or a group of user stories which develop a complete feature.

Create Epic

curl -X POST ''
 -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw'
 -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d ' {
 "title":"Offer options to manage backlog easily",
 "description":"Should be updated.",
 "status":{"code": "fea-st-10"},

Request Payload:

 "title":"Offer options to manage backlog easily",
 "description":"Should be updated.",
 "status":{"code": "fea-st-10"},

Response body:

  "message": "Epic created successfully : EP - 1"

This end point creates a new epic.

HTTP Request


The issue request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Required Title of the epic
description string Description of the epic
status status Status of epic (code according to Status Set) Required code
tags tag List of tags to be associated with epic Required title
owner owner Required Epic responsible Required id

Get Epic

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Build User Dashboard, so I can track the graphs I am interested in. For example, having multiple Burn down charts from different sprints",
  "planEstimate": 30,
  "status": {
    "code": "fea-st-10",
    "narrative": "New"
  "owner": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Harvey",
    "lastName": "Specter",
    "email": "",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
  "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"

This end point retrieves specified epic of given project.

HTTP Request


The epic response

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the epic
tags List of tags associated with epic
planEstimate Estimated costs in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of epic
status Status of epic (code and narrative according to Status Set)
owner Epic Responsible
comments List of comments on epic
createdOn Date on which epic is created
updatedOn Date on which the last action was performed on epic
createdBy User who created the epic
updatedBy User who performed the last action on epic

Get Epics

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Build User Dashboard, so I can track the graphs I am interested in. For example, having multiple Burn down charts from different sprints",
    "planEstimate": 30,
    "status": {
      "code": "fea-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "Use Epics to manage high level features, link user stories. There is Global Epic to have cross project features tracking",
    "planEstimate": 25,
    "status": {
      "code": "fea-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "Offer options to manage backlog easily",
    "planEstimate": 10,
    "status": {
      "code": "fea-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all epics of given project.

HTTP Request


The epic response

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the epic
tags List of tags associated with epic
planEstimate Estimated costs in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of epic
status Status of epic (code and narrative according to Status Set)
owner Epic Responsible
comments List of comments on epic
createdOn Date on which epic is created
updatedOn Date on which the last action was performed on epic
createdBy User who created the epic
updatedBy User who performed the last action on epic

Get Global Epics

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Build User Dashboard, so I can track the graphs I am interested in. For example, having multiple Burn down charts from different sprints",
    "planEstimate": 30,
    "status": {
      "code": "fea-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "dueDate": "2016-10-11T00:00:01.000+0000",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "Use Epics to manage high level features, link user stories. There is Global Epic to have cross project features tracking",
    "planEstimate": 25,
    "status": {
      "code": "fea-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "dueDate": "2016-10-11T00:00:01.000+0000",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "Offer options to manage backlog easily",
    "planEstimate": 10,
    "status": {
      "code": "fea-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Harvey",
      "lastName": "Specter",
      "email": "",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
          "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
    "dueDate": "2016-10-11T00:00:01.000+0000",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all global epics.

HTTP Request


The epic response

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the epic
planEstimate Estimated costs in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of epic
status Status of epic (code and narrative according to Status Set)
owner Epic Responsible
dueDate Due date of issue (date should be in ISO format)
createdOn Date on which epic is created
updatedOn Date on which the last action was performed on epic
createdBy User who created the epic
updatedBy User who performed the last action on epic

Get Epic Userstories

curl -X GET ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "id": 3,
    "title": "[Continued] As an Admin I want to invite new users to my project using Administration settings",
    "planEstimate": 8,
    "storyPoints": "8",
    "effortEstimate": 0,
    "effortRemaining": 0,
    "effortLogged": 0,
    "status": {
      "code": "us-st-10",
      "narrative": "New"
    "release": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Release # 1",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "epic": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Build User Dashboard, so I can track the graphs I am interested in. For example, having multiple Burn down charts from different sprints",
      "planEstimate": 30,
      "status": {
        "code": "fea-st-10",
        "narrative": "New"
      "owner": {
          "id": 1
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "sprint": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sprint # 1",
      "description": "",
      "startDate": "2016-10-14T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "endDate": "2016-10-24T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "status": {
        "code": "itr-st-30",
        "narrative": "Accepted"
      "owner": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Harvey",
        "lastName": "Specter",
        "email": "",
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1
        "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:19.000+0000",
        "updatedBy": {},
        "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:24.000+0000"
      "sprintType": "SCRUM",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": 1
      "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": 1
      "updatedOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000"
    "priority": 0,
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1
    "createdOn": "2016-10-17T08:04:59.000+0000",
    "updatedBy": {
      "id": 1
    "updatedOn": "2016-10-18T11:53:39.000+0000"

This end point retrieves all userstories for given epic .

HTTP Request


The epic response

Parameter Description
id Unique identification number
title Title of the userstory
planEstimate Estimated cost in hours that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
storyPoints Estimated cost in Points that might be incurred during the implementation of userstory
effortEstimate Sum of the effort estimates of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue).
effortRemaining Sum of the effort remaining of userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
effortLogged Sum of the effort Logged on userstory sub-units (Task and Issue)
status Status of userstory (code and narrative according to Status Set)
owner Userstory responsible
release Associated release
component List of components associated with userstory
epic Associated epic
sprint Associated sprint
priority userstory star priority
createdBy User who created the userstory
createdOn Date on which userstory is created
updatedBy User who performed the last action on userstory
updatedOn Date on which userstory is updated

Update Epic

  curl -X PUT  ''
  -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -d '{
   "title":"Offer options to manage backlog easily",
   "description":"Should be updated.",
   "status":{"code": "fea-st-10"},

Request Payload:

 "title":"Offer options to manage backlog easily",
 "description":"Should be updated.",
 "status":{"code": "fea-st-10"},

Response body:

  "message": "Epic updated successfully : EP - 1"

This end point updates specified issue.

HTTP Request


The issue request payload

Parameter Description Sub-attributes
title string Title of the epic
description string Description of the epic
status status Status of epic (code according to Status Set) Required code
tags tag List of tags to be associated with epic Required title
owner owner Epic responsible Required id

Delete Epic

curl -X DELETE ''
 -H 'api-token: HM8OSb5m6l2DJLeWDekjSw' -H 'api-key: 210af5ff-1060-4a4c-98cb-f01bda19afe9'

Response body:

    "message": "Epic deleted successfully : EP - 1"

This end point deletes specified epic.

HTTP Request