
How do I restrict users to delete?

Rights to delete items are defined in User Roles. Deletion rights are Item type specific, please follow the [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

What is difference between Global Permissions and Roles?

Roles and Global Permissions cover different rights. A “Role” is defined once and can be reused by the [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|17 Comments

Users did not get email for invitation, what should I do?

You can always resend the invitation email or there is a feature to copy URL and send it [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

How do I invite a new user?

In order to invite new users, follow the steps below: Note: Only Super Amin and Project Admin can [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

How do I invite bulk users?

You can invite bulk users to all or some selective projects, who have same User Role. Go to [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

Can I delete a user from one project later?

Yes, you can add or delete a user from one or all projects Go to Navigation Menu Settings [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

Can I add a user to all projects at once?

You can invite a new user to all or some selective projects. Go to Navigation Menu Settings > [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

How can I define a “default role” for projects user?

Super Admin can define a new User Role in your organization. Once a new role is defined then [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

How do I change role assigned to user?

You can always alter the role assigned to a User, in order to do so, follow the steps [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

How do I change specific permission from role that is assigned to user?

In order to change specific permissions for a role, please follow the guidelines below. Go to Main Navigation [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

I defined Role, but how do I now assign it to user?

Go to Navigation Menu Settings > Projects and Users > Manage Users Locate the user, and change user [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

What is User Role?

The User role is built in the role, defined for common users. Following are the basics of this [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

How do I define permissions for users?

User Roles and permissions are handled at 3 places. First, two options can only be accessed by Super [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

How do I restrict users to Edit User Stories?

Item level permissions are generally defined as a User Role. Although a Project Admin can change these permissions [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

Why can not I invite more users?

If you have reached your user limit already. You need to upgrade license first, before inviting more users. [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

Will I free up my license if I deactivate user?

Deactivating user is considered as a transitional step. It does not free up a license and user is [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

What happens to the data assigned to a deleted user?

You can easily reassign open Items associated with the selected user while deactivating or deleting them to another [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

What is difference between Deactivate User and Delete User?

Deactivated user: User is not able to access Yodiz project anymore. Total User count will still consider this [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

Why can not I delete some users?

Deletion of a user is only accessible for Super Admin users. Check your user rights to delete a [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments

In our organisation, there is no one with access to billing, what should we do?

You can learn more in this detailed billing guide. If you are facing difficulties, Contact us at support@yodiz.com [...]

By |April 11th, 2017|Administration|0 Comments
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