There are 2 options to add new users to your organization/project at Yodiz.

  • Invite new user, you enter user email and select project and then send an invitation, user receives an email invitation, set password and enter Yodiz. Check this for more details
  • Create User Manually, here in this article, we will explain steps to create the user manually.

Create Users Manually

Follow these steps:

  • Go to Administration and select Users from the top navigation
  • From left menu click on “Add User(s)” link
  • Click on the button “Add User”
  • You will see the form, where you can enter user details, like
    • Email,
    • First Name,
    • Last Name, Project, and Role
  • After entering values, Press SAVE
  • The user would be created and EMAIL with a password is sent to user email address.

Reset Password (Or set manual password)

By performing the above steps, an auto-generated password is sent to user email address. However, if you want to set password manually follow these steps.

  • “User Directory” link from left menu
  • Find the user in the list and then on right-hand side in front of user row click on “Reset Password”
  • It will open small window with button “Regenerate”
  • Click on regenerate password and it will show the new password for the user. Copy this password.

By doing the above steps you will be able to create the user by yourself and set password as well.