This graph shows you the number of Issues counts in User Stories of a Release by Special Tags. These Tags are created by admins only and background color help in differentiating themselves from the standard tags. One of the famous uses of tags are to represent teams, component, feature etc.
Note: Creating Special Tags require Admin rights.
Once you add the special tag(s) to Issues, that have something common with each other. The counter of that special tag per User Story will be shown in this graph.
Example:For instance, let’s say you are using a tag to distinguish the geographical location of the team. To do so, add a different tag for each location. Using this graph, you will be able to know how many Issues belong to which geographical team.
Note: If you cannot find any Special Tags while formulating the graphs in “Select Tags” dropdown. Ask your Project Admin to create Special Tags first. Only then Project users can assign these tags to Issues. Learn more about Special Tags.
How to Interpret this graph
The detailed interpretation of this graph is given right below the following picture.

- Each bar in x-axis represents User Story
- Issue counter of each User Story is shown inside its bar
- Tags with colors are defined, under beneath graph
- Color of each issue counter refers to its tag name