To fetch effort summary of a user(s) regardless of project details, you can use TimeSheet view. Effort reports which Time Sheet supports. One of the famous Timesheet reports is listed here.
Team Effort Per Project
To fetch effort history of a Project team for a fixed period, select the Project name and team members from the provided drop down filters. List of logged effort per user will be available. The effort history of a particular Sprint or Release is also fetchable through provided filters.
User Effort Reports
To fetch details of a user, who is working on multiple projects, click on “All Reports” button. Filter bar gives you the option to fetch report on spent effort on tasks and issues separately. You can also evaluate estimated, spent and remaining effort here. If you want to know more peculiar data on effort spent. Use Built-in filters on top filter bar, that shows detailed breakdown of time.
Effort On Task/Issues
To look at individual user effort log only on tasks or issues, select Task/Issue/All from filter bar and click on “Update Report”. It will fetch user effort history summary per project accordingly.
User Effort Per Project
If a User is working on more than one project simultaneously and you want to know effort log per Project then click on All Reports button provided on TimeSheet top left corner.

Use Sprint(s) drop down to fetch granular user effort results per sprint.