You can create User Story using Add drop down Add-Items-Yodiz-Icon available on Backlog, Sprint, Release, and Planning Board. Add User Story with minimal needed details or by filling all details.

  • Adding User Story with Details will land you following:
  • User Story fields are:
  • Field Name Field Description
    Title Subject of User Story
    Status Assign Status of User Story, according to its current progress state.
    Description Provide description of User Story, providing useful details to get it done.
    Responsible Select person name who will be responsible for User Story progress
    Project Select a project from the Project drop down menu. The User Story will be included in this Project.
    Sprint Select a Sprint for the User Story. The User Story will be included in this Sprint.
    Epic You can associate your User Story to Epic from the Epic dropdown
    Due Date Select a Due date for the User Story. This is the planned completion date for the user story.
    Points Select Estimate Points or Hours for User Story depending upon your Project Settings
    Components You can associate components to the current User Story.
    Other Responsible(s) and Followers These Users will be notified whenever changes are made to the User Story.
  • Fill in details
  • Click on Save button, given at top right corner.
  • Your completed user story is on the board, follow the screenshot below:
