You can now use “Mark up” to format comments at Yodiz reloaded Beta. The markdown is only yet supported at comments holder available at new “Modal” or “Pop-up” views. So when you are editing any items, you can use the “Comments” tab and format your comments. Comments formatted with markdown will be shown everywhere. New comments holder have following new features.

  • Markdown support
  • Attachment of local files from your computer
  • Attachment of files from the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive)
  • Tagging users with the selection from drop down.

Mark down format

Bold: To bold use **Bold characters** and it will be shown like Bold characters.

Italic: To italic use _italic characters_ and it will be shown like italic characters

URLs: If you type it will be converted into hyperlink.

List items: Use – space and then text like – Item 1 – Item 2 and it will be shown as:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Code Block

To start the code block have 3 consecutive ´´´ characters to mark start of the code area and to end the code are use same 3 ´´´ characters. Code area will be highlighted Here is the example what to type in comments area it will be shown like this.