Importance Of Communication Skills In Business, Workplace & Profession Life
Communication is a most important skill. Communication skills are not only needed in daily personal life, but also required in the profession, workplace and in business.
Depending on the nature of your profession. If you work in a team or interact with customers or other people. You often find the certain situations which are challenging to handling, this is where having best communication skills become handy.
These are kind of skills some are just born with it, one great example is Steve Jobs’ communication and negotiation style, he is regarding as someone who had the best presentation and business negotiation skills. One of the great importance of having the best communication skills was the success of
Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Ilkka Paananen and others, although it’s not the only factor which make them successful, but definitely it’s one of it.
You can’t be successful without great communication skills in professional life or in business. It is important for a good communicator to be a good listener. No one wants to be a good listener while everybody is extremely interested in a good communicator. Every person with great communication skills are in favor of listening.
“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” – Larry King
Every good communicator stresses on the importance of listening. With this basic lesson, let’s learn more to enhance our communication skills.
Being successful at profession, workplace and in business with best communication skills
Lets get all the basics sorted first which provide a skills for having best in communication, you can use these skills when interactive people in personal life, at workplace, in any profession and dealing with customers and others in business
The one thing every great communicator does is start with scratch. Nobody is born great. You have to start from somewhere. It is best to start with basics. Understand what communication is and how you can effectively say what you intend to.
1. Practice makes a man perfect
Pretty old but yet valid, this can take you a long way. The best approach is to practice it a lot. Whatever you intend to do, rehearse it. While rehearsing you’ll be able to analyze your pros and fill in the gaps.
2. Coordinate body and words
It is highly imperative that your body says whatever you are saying. Body language including gestures and overall posture must be reflecting what you are trying to communicate. It is very unsatisfying if your body and words don’t coordinate.
3. Maintain eye contact
Eye contact also has a great value. When you maintain eye contact with audience while communicating with them, it reassures that you are honest and sincere. People tend to believe you more when you maintain eye contact with them.
4. Speak slowly
It literally doesn’t mean that you bore the audience with your low pitch and drooling speed. You just have to ensure that your speed is balanced and people can clearly listen each word you are saying.
5. Engage the listener
Engaging the listener means communicating in such a manner that people are interested in talking to you. This is essentially important if you want to become an exceptional communicator.
6. Be a listener yourself
This will help you to understand what makes people listen. When you finally figure that out, you will be able to make people listen to you. Other than that, listening is focus of every communication related literature because listening has a unique value in making you a great communicator. Always listen what other person is saying, analyze it and then answer it. Listening completely prepares you for answering in an effective way.
7. Tell stories (real ones)
Nothing gets the audience like stories and meaningful examples. You totally sell it when you tell a story. People listen to you more carefully and they become more interested. However, don’t tell the fiction because come on, you are not 2 anymore. When you tell real life stories and examples people understand that you are experienced and know what you are saying.
8. Let people participate
Be that friendly person who never gets offended when people ask questions. This not only makes the people interested but you get to learn and people value you more. Nothing can prove your authenticity like open question answer session.
9. Polish it
At this stage you finally give that pro touch that differentiates you from all mediocre conversations. Remember that you can’t reach this stage without working on basics. Polishing is only required if you have certain skill.
10. Use humor
Humor is important if you want to sell your stories. Humor helps in impressing listeners. Humor validates your stories and polishes your existing skill. You should never worry to be a little clever and use humor. You’ll shine more with humor.
11. Maintain positivity
This comes with this great smile and exceptional attitude. People should feel comfortable and motivated when talking to you because you have this great attitude named positivity.
Final word
There is always room for improvement when it comes to communication skills. Thus make sure that you never stop taking these skills to the next level of improvement.
Over To You
What was your good or bad moment of communication at workplace or in professional life. Share your thoughts what is the best skills when comes to communication
Photo Source: Slush