This release update brings following new features at Yodiz.
- Sprint Resource Manager
- Move Bugs across projects
- Archive Projects
- Filters on ScrumBoard
- Filters on ReleaseBoard
- Improved Sign-In, Sign-up and other common pages
Each of these improvements are explained in detail below.
1. Sprint Resource Manager
When planning, now you can select members from your project team, who would be participating in the sprint and get exact hours that are available to you in this sprint. At the moment complete focus of this functionality is on tasks and hours. We have planned further enhancements to this functionality, so do share your feedback.
The process is as follows
- Create Sprint
- Select start and end dates
- Select “Hours per day” from the spinner
- Add resources from your project team
- System will automatically calculate the available hours for each resource based on Sprint duration and hours per day
- Enter any “off hours” for individuals
- System will then show the real available hours for this sprint.

Yodiz New Sprint with Resource Management
Planning and Tracking Indicators
Once sprint is created with team and their effective hours, you can start adding user stories and tasks. There are 2 types of progress indicators that help you to identify planning accuracy of your sprint and how you are performing every day in the sprint.
Plan Accuracy Indicator: This is calculated against the estimated hours in sprint for all of your tasks and Total available hours in sprint. Here are details about the indicators
This indicator is based on the ratio between estimated tasks hours and Available Hours
- On Target: If ( 15% < estimated hours< 5% ) of Available Hours
- Over Estimated: If estimated hours > 5% of Available Hours.
- Under Estimated: If estimated hours < 15% of Available Hours
Daily Progress: This is calculated based on ratio-R which is (Daily expected hours * number of days spent) vs Spent hours so far.
- On Target: If (R> – 5% and R< 5% )
- Over Performing: If (R=> – 5% and R<= 20% )
- Under Performing: If (R<= – 5% and R>= -20% )
- Terribly Slow: If (R< -20% )
- Hyper Productive: If (R>20% )

Yodiz Sprint Planning and Progress Indicators
2.Move Bugs across projects
This feature has been requested by many customers and we are planning to offer similar options very soon for user stories as well.
The process of moving bugs is as follows
- Go to Issue Tracker
- Select “View All Bugs”
- There is check box in front of each bug, select multiple bugs
- On top of bugs you will see option buttons “Delete” and “Move to Project”
- Select appropriate option.

Yodiz Move bugs across different projects
3. Archive Projects
Archive will simply hide from project selection drop down. All the data and everything remains same and you can change archive setting anytime to start using project again.
Steps to archive project
- Select Administration from top right settings icon
- Go to Manage Projects
- Select project you want to archive by clicking on settings icon at end of each project.
- Choose “Archive Project” option
Please note: Only admins of the projects can do this action. If you are not admin then you will not be able to see these options.

Yodiz Move bugs across different projects
4. Filters on ScrumBoard
Many customers wanted to filter user stories based on the status. Now there is status drop down at the top. The selected value will be remembered in your cookies, so when you return next time to ScrumBoard it will have same filters selected.

Yodiz ScrumBoard status filters for user story
5. Filters on ReleaseBoard
ReleaseBoard has 2 important improvements. Now you can see progress of user story points and filter contents based on responsible persons.

Yodiz ReleaseBoard story points progress and filters
6. Improved Sign-In, Sign-up and other common pages
Some UI improvements are done at Sign in page. It is now more easier to select from options
- Yodiz Username and password
- Google Apps Sign in
- Google Services

Yodiz Sign-in screen with Google apps