At Yodiz, the contents of Releases are prioritized based on our customers’ requirements and we are proud to announce new release which focuses on making Yodiz even more efficient and effective for its users.
Let’s have a look at the contents of this Release.
1. New Features
A brief description of the newly introduced features.
1.1 Swimlanes support for Backlog
The backlog has been the main focus of our previous Releases and this time too it managed to get our attention. We have updated Backlog by adding Swimlanes ( ) which allow you to divide the Backlog data in a way that best suits your needs.
1.2 Commit log for User Story and Epic
Yodiz supports integration with version control system hosted locally or at any cloud service and it enables you to track code commits. Commit logs enable you to identify which files have been added, updated or deleted against a particular Item. Previously it was only available for tasks and issues and now it is extended to User Story and Epic.
For User Stories please follow this notation “@U10:R Your message goes here” where U denotes User Story, 10 is associated ID and “R” represents resolved (default Status of done category). In the case of Epic, replace the “U” with “E”.
Related: How to Use Commit Log?
1.3 New Popup view
What’s better than smart Popup view? They come in handy for quickly glancing at item details while not losing the context of the board.Yodiz has introduced smart expand and collapse views for Item popups that provide enhanced visibility and add efficiency to your work.
The Popup views can be toggled with a single click on the icon at top right side.
1.4 Re-assign items upon user deletion & deactivation
Deleting or deactivating a user is now hassle free as you do not have to individually re-assign all the work Items associated to the user being deleted/deactivated. We have introduced the redesigned functionality of deactivating and deleting users and it is definitely going to save you a lot of time and effort.
You can easily reassign open Items associated with the selected user while deactivating or deleting them to another member or members of your team. However, it is not an implication and you can still just choose to delete/deactivate the user.
1.5 Verification for Email Notifications
When you sign up at Yodiz, you receive an email regarding activation of email notifications. If you activate these notifications, you will keep up with the updates and activities happening in Yodiz. If you do not activate the email notifications, you will constantly see a question mark on your profile icon in Yodiz and most importantly you will miss out on important updates.
2. Improvements
We have made some significant improvements in our existing features. We aim to improve the quality of features with every Release. Follow the details below to explore the latest improvements.
2.1 Bulk Edit on Backlog and Issue Tracker
The new Bulk Edit can save you lots of time you need to edit a lot at once. We have made it more convenient for users by introducing more options and new style for this functionality.
Tip: For Issue Tracker, you can even associate multiple Issues to a User Story, This feature is highly useful if you have a number of Issues which require User Story association.
You will also experience updated UI for Bulk Edit on Backlog which means you will experience increased visibility, efficient views and thus boosted productivity.
2.2 Revision of board layout manager
The Board Layout Manager allows you to customize your Yodiz Boards, it has been re-designed in this release.
2.3 Pagination Size of Backlog and Issue Tracker
The new pagination size will allow you to load items ranging from 50-200 Items per page. This means you can have customized overview for Backlog and Issue Tracker page.
2.4 Project Roadmap Updates
Various UX updates have been made for the Project Roadmap. Now you can easily reorder projects using drag and drop as well as sort Sprints/Releases on basis of start/end date. There is also a dotted line which denotes the present day on Project Roadmap.
2.5 Option to set avatar background Color
Bored of the same Avatar color? Do not worry, we realize your needs and that’s why we have introduced the new and customizable profile icon. Which means you can now set the profile avatar icon to the color of your choice, customization can be done for background color.
2.6 Assign Customized Password to User
You can assign a customized password for both new and existing users.
2.6.1 New User
System assigned passwords can be a bit hard to remember, that’s why in this Release we added the functionality of Custom Password. You can now add the password of your choice when adding a new user in Yodiz.
2.6.2 Existing User
Password of existing users can be altered as well in the User Directory (Manage Users).
2.7 New API calls
Yodiz API is constantly making improvements to ensure the best experience for API users. Regarding improvements, we have added few new calls in our API. These calls will help users to have more choices in API to fetch data. Following are the new and enhanced API calls.
2.7.1 New Calls
One Item Type at a time.
- Get Comments: This request retrieves all comments of User Stories, Issues, Tasks, Sprints, Epics and Releases.
- Get Attachments: This request retrieves all attachments of User Stories, Issues, Tasks, Sprints, Epics and Releases.
2.7.2 Enhanced Calls
Get Backlog: We have added few more filters in Backlog call; including Order, Followers and Other Responsible.
3. Yodiz plugin for Zendesk
Zendesk users, you will soon be able to add tickets directly into Yodiz though your Zendesk Customer Support Console. This plugin will be available in the next few days, so get ready to make your customer support teams more productive and efficient.